
The Gift of Therapy:

An Open Letter to a New Generation of Therapists and Their Patients

35 years of psychotherapy wisdom distilled into one volume.


Anyone interested in psychotherapy or personal growth will rejoice at the publication of The Gift of Therapy, a masterwork from one of the most accomplished psychological thinkers of our day. As an award-winning author of both nonfiction and fiction and a psychiatrist in practice for 35 years, Yalom imparts his unique wisdom in this remarkable guidebook for successful therapy.

At once startlingly profound and irresistibly practical, Yalom's insights — let the patient matter to you; create a new kind of therapy for each patient; how and how not to use self-disclosure — will help enrich the therapeutic process for both patient and counselor.


‘The Gift of Therapy’ companion video


It is dark. I come to your office but can’t find you. Your office is empty. I enter and look around. The only thing there is your Panama hat. And it is all filled with cobwebs.

My patients’ dreams have changed. Cobwebs fill my hat. My office is dark and deserted. I am nowhere to be found…

Read full introduction

Chapters & Excerpts

The Gift of Therapy has 85 short chapters, each offering a suggestion or "tip" for therapy. Access five excerpts at the link below.

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